jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Costa Rica joins Global Alliance on the ground • costadevelopers.com

The country has been a point of reference the topic of environmental conversation to their counterparts in Latin America and around the world.
Costa Rica is part of the Global Alliance on the ground in conjunction with other countries of Central America and the Caribbean in addition to Mexico. This initiative aims to fight for more fertile soils, prevention and restoration of those soils which have been downgraded.
Some of the priorities of this initiative are to promote the establishment of national legislations enabling the protection of the resource soil and their sustainable management, as well as the relevant regulations for its implementation, as well as develop, share and transfer regional systems of information of soils that are consistent and updated to meet all the needs for your use and with best available techniques, among others.
Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Costa Rica, Tania Lopez Lee, recently participated in a workshop in the framework of the launch of the Global Alliance on the ground which was held in Havana, Cuba.
The workshop was directed toward the prevention and restoration of soils in Central America and the Caribbean region. It was given in celebration of the first plenary Assembly of the Alliance global soil which was held in Rome, Italy. In this activity an intergovernmental group with expertise in soils approved society of regional partnerships, such as the development and incorporation of action plans for the protection and recovery of soils.
The Deputy Minister Lopez told the national press that "allocate, book and run budgetary resources to programmes for the protection of soil and resume research and technical assistance for the proper handling of the soil as a natural resource, are part of the challenges in the future that we have proposed for the conservation of soils".
Additionally added that "Two years Costa Rica is working on this use and soil conservation project" said the Vice Minister, also added that it is important to note that the Costa Rican, Dr. Carlos Henríquez, who is a member of the scientific group of the section for Latin America.
The United Nations Organization for food and Agriculture (FAO) in its #144 Council of June 2012 set 05 December as the world day of the land.
Posted by Costa Developers

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